Monday, April 15, 2013

Busy - but not this month

It's time to get caught up on posts!

A week or so ago, we finally got the long-awaited urine test results. I know, I know. It's really a sad commentary on your life when you look forward to something like that so much.

There was a lot of information. And most of it, I have no clue about. He showed a high need for all tested antioxidants: vitamins A, C, E, coenzyme-q 10, and alpha lipoic acid. And high need for vitamins B1, B2, and B7. The rest of the Bs were borderline. He also tested borderline for Zn, Mn, and Mg. 

The only thing he was high in was molybedenum. I don't know if it was an "okay" high, or "too high". The "x" was all the way to the right. 

He was tested for mitocondrial dysfunction - he was in the middle. Need for methylation - none. His score was all the way to the left. Perhaps he's an over-methylator? I don't know.
He showed a need for glutathione.

Then there was a huge picture of the Krebs cycle. He had a bunch of abnormal numbers on the right side of the process. Things like iso-citric acid.

Then there was the final page going over metabolic stuff, where many areas were abnormal, like high markers for bacterial dysbiosis. That wasn't too surprising.

So, overall - over 7 pages of things, only the rudiments of which I understood.

We have our appointment in a month. Yes, that was the earliest available. Ugh.

I still haven't heard from the geneticist about his first test results. 

We just started today with his new schedule and new speech therapist. (She had the flu last week.) I hate the two hours I have to spend in the car driving him to and from the therapy, but I am trying to do what's best for him. The baby isn't too excited about the whole deal, though. I can't say I blame her. We will be doing the same thing tomorrow, except worse. He will have 4 different therapies tomorrow, starting at 9:45. I hope he does well. 

I signed up to attend the Autism One Conference in Chicago last night. I don't think I will be there every day, but there are a lot of different talks I want to attend. I am pretty excited for it. It's being held at the end of May.

I have been doing a lot of reading about how beneficial camel milk is for kids with messed up guts. I placed an order on Friday for 10 pints. It should be here Wednesday. I am excited to start this, as well. I have high expectations. There is actually a lot of scientific research on this, too. I know it sounds crazy, believe me.

We have been having more tantrums around here lately. I am not sure why. He has been pitching a fit because I won't let him open and close and open and close (etc.) the garage doors. It's been kind of getting old. I had to manhandle him into the car today to get to his therapy and I had to manhandle him into the house after we got home from his therapy. It's not exactly an easy task with the baby to handle, too. 

Buzzy has started to answer "yes" to questions. Not all questions, but some. He has "no" mastered, but I would love to ask him a question like "Are you hungry?" and have him answer "Yes!" when he is. We are getting close, I think. 

I am also looking into homeopathy to help him out. Not now, but it's something I am keeping in my back pocket for when we are waiting for appointments and I need to "do something NOW" as I am wont to feel. 

Well, the Buzz thinks it's time to help me post an entry. I guess I have to cut this one short!

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