Saturday, January 11, 2014

The Spiritual Side

I am really excited about a few things today. Well, one of them is on-going, but whatever. It's all exciting.

First off, it's my birthday. And the baby was singing happy birthday to me! She said "happy birthday to mom happy birthday to mom". It was the cutest thing ever and just about made me melt. This is the same baby who didn't have even one word not that long ago. I am just so excited for all of the progress she's been making.

I also started taking a class from Tami. It's about energy healing and working with "awesome kids" which is what she calls kids with autism. It's about a month long, and I have to say even after only 3 days, it's been so helpful and wonderful. I also have an appointment with her tonight, and I am excited to talk about the muscle testing I have been doing and seeing if I am doing okay with it.

I have started meditation as well, and I think that is helping, too. I also am going to be taking a Reiki I class in February. I have so many plans for improving myself and helping my family heal. I am glad to have found this new path and new direction to take with my family.


Well, it's now Saturday, and I started this post on Wednesday. Oops! Anyway...

I have noticed so many positive changes in myself since I have started all of this. I used to yell. A lot. And swear. A lot. I had a short fuse. And was short on patience. I am working on all of those aspects with the help of some intentions I set during this course and with the meditation. I firmly believe now that further healing for everyone has to start with me. I was so hyper-focused on Buzzy, that the baby and everyone else sort of fell to the wayside. I am now trying to make sure everyone is being cared for.

Obviously, I am (as we all are) a work in progress. I am not perfect. I will never be, but I am happier with who I am as a person now. And as we are going through this journey, I have noticed more energy and I even have started to sing along again to the radio, which is something I used to love to do, but hadn't felt like it in a long time.

I can't wait to see what the next week brings to us!

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