Thursday, January 2, 2014

Quick Update

I just wanted to post a quick update. I am trying to minimize my time on the internet in general, which actually means I should have more time to devote to this blog. I want this as a decent record of what I've been doing, so perhaps I need to post on it more.

Here's what's going on supplement-wise: We stopped the hourly dosing (8 times a day) of worm killers. I felt it was time to stop. Call it intuition, whatever. We also were told by our energy healer (Tami) to stop the goldenseal a while back. So, we did. We have added GABA. I spoke with Tami tonight about Buzzy, and we stopped the chlorella. We kept the B-12 shots, the Barlean's fish oil, l-carnitine, and the folinic/l-methyl-folate pills. We are increasing vitamin D. And those are the only supplements he's on. Which, for a kid with autism, is like nothing. We will be adding Goleic in about a month or two. We are also doing homeopathic remedies - cinnamonum, clostridia, and borrelia. Also, we're continuing with Rudi and going through his clears. We started a clear tonight for the one dose of Zantac he took as an infant. Oh, I forgot! We're adding Lauricidin for him for detox.

Buzzy is continuing to do well. He has more speech and is more verbal at school. He's been off school for the past few weeks, but will be going back on Monday. He's still had some therapy almost daily, but that's it. He's got a nasty, which I am going to be clearing up with some thyme essential oil. That didn't go well tonight, because I put on too much. I will go easy on it tomorrow night. He's been drooling more, which Tami said was due to pesticides. Which makes sense - we started letting him eat some pairs my husband bought from his FFA. Which aren't organic. Ugh.

I asked about foods to avoid with the Buzz. We got tomatoes, lard (LOL, just rendered some a few weeks ago), phenols, and pesticides.

So, we are getting more interactive play with him and he really seems to enjoy art and craft type things. (I painted with the littles a few days ago, and they really enjoyed it.) He doesn't care about vents anymore. He's day potty trained. He can take off all of his clothes. He can pull his pants and underwear up and down. He can put his shirt on. His speech is still garbled, but if he slows down his enunciation is clearer. He is starting to sing - he sings "Twinkle Twinkle Little Start" and "I'm a Little Teapot". He is starting to play pretend with things, as well. He is spontaneously giving hugs and kisses. And he really loves his baby sister.

Speaking of baby, she is continuing to make progress and do really well. We have an appointment with Tami coming up for her. Her rashes are coming back, but we started a new clear tonight (it looks like her birth is the clear) and we haven't been good about spraying her with lavender. And we need to get her to take some thyme orally, but that hasn't been working out. So, we will see what's going on with her in a few days. She is starting to play pretend as well. She likes fingerpainting. She also (as long as she is half-naked) will pee on the potty all by herself. We just need to work on having her wear undies, and then we are on our way. That and getting her to poop on the potty. I am just so happy with her progress. She really is a spitfire, and usually such a delight.

Well, it's late and I need to get to bed. That's all I've got. This time.

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