Thursday, February 6, 2014

Ants in the pants

So, Buzzy has been on a tear lately. It completely reminds me of life a year ago. He is back to pushing chairs up the table and getting on the table and standing on it. He's getting into cabinets. He's opening the fridge. He's getting the baby to do all of the same things, and it's starting to drive me nuts. I am getting very frustrated. It feels like "the bad old days". The constant motion and getting into everything is wearing on my patience, and I have been doing more yelling and swearing lately than I'd like.

I am still working on my class with Tami. In fact, I am apparently supposed to work on Preston to clear this frenzied energy from him.

We ordered the Goleic. It should be here next week. I am expecting really wonderful things from it. I am also nervous as hell about it. Something as expensive as it is tends to do that. So, I am only going to think positive things about it, and everything will go well. And we will see great gains. There. The end. LOL

The baby continues to do well. I am going to be calling and scheduling her 2 year appointment with EI. The difference between how she is doing now and how she was doing just a few months ago is amazing.

Now all I need is for the weather to warm up so I can take kids outside to enjoy themselves. I am so done with winter, snow, and COLD.

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